Dentistry Concerns

Adams Dental Associates

Dentistry Concerns


Patients with dental anxiety can benefit from sedation methods at our practice. Sedation can make patients feel comfortable and relaxed throughout their appointment. Sedated patients are fully aware of their surroundings and are conscious to allow them to respond to the dentist and follow instructions. By using sedation, many patients are able to get through their dental appointment with little to no discomfort or anxiety so they can receive the dental care they need and deserve. There are two methods of sedation available in our practice for our patients:


Nitrous Oxide – Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a wonderful option for patients of all ages. This non-allergenic gas is inhaled and it affects the central nervous system. It is completely safe and has little, if any, side effects. Patients who breathe in the nitrous oxide may feel the effects within just a few minutes, and after treatment is completed, patients breathe in oxygen to reverse the sedation. Patients who have nitrous oxide can drive themselves back home or to work immediately after their visit.


Oral Conscious Sedation – Patients who want a stronger sedative may require oral conscious sedation. For this method of sedation, patients will take a prescribed medication before their appointment and arrange transportation to and from their home. Patients arrive relaxed but conscious, and are taken home to rest after their treatment. Once they awaken from a nap, they will feel refreshed and will recall very little of their dental appointment—but will enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile!

Health and Safety Standards

Many patients who visit our office—and any other medical facility—are often concerned about their health and safety. Infectious diseases can negatively affect their health, and many patients ask us questions about the measures we take in our office to ensure the protection of their health and well-being. At our facility, patients can rest easy knowing that our practice exceeds all government standards and guidelines for protecting the health of our patients and their families. The actual risk of contracting a serious disease during a standard dental visit is extremely rare, and this is due to the strict measures performed in our practice to reduce the possibility of transmitting diseases from one patient to another.


At our practice, we value our patients like family. We want to make sure we take every effort to protect families from the spread of infectious diseases in our office. Here are just a few of the methods we use to prevent the spread of health conditions:

We use the latest sterilization and disinfection methods on all hand pieces and instruments used in the mouth.

  • We wear disposable gloves and masks.
  • Protective eyewear and/or face shields are used.
  • Germicidal soaps before each patient.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of chairs, countertops, and all surfaces in treatment rooms is carried out between patients.
  • We use disposable products when necessary to reduce cross-contamination.
  • We follow all federal government guidelines and state/local regulatory standards for handling all disposable materials.


If you have questions regarding the infection control measures used in our practice, do not hesitate to ask our dentists or staff members to explain the procedures done to ensure the protection of your health.